We restore endangered ecosystems.

Restoration Prescriptions
• Palouse Prairie •

Hiring our native landscaping services may not be practical for everyone, especially those with large properties or who live outside of our service range. Our "Restoration Prescriptions" provide detailed restoration guides to landowners who are willing to do the work themselves and would like expert guidance. The resulting native Palouse Prairie habitat benefits landowners in many ways, including eliminating the need for irrigation and mowing, reducing invasive weed control costs, supporting crop pollination services, and supporting native pest control agents. If you live in the Palouse and would like a custom restoration prescription for your land, The Phoenix Conservancy can help.

Even small patches of native Palouse Prairie habitat can provide homes and stopovers for hundreds of wildlife species within an agricultural landscape.
"What's a Restoration Prescription?"
A restoration prescription is a detailed guide for restoring native habitat on a specific area of land. The purpose of our Restoration Prescription program is to restore endangered Palouse Prairie throughout its historic range, while also benefiting landowners by increasing ecosystem services on their land.
A Restoration Prescription includes:
a design with distinct habitat areas
soil test results and any necessary ameliorations
a list of invasive weeds with methods of control
recommended plant species for each habitat area
a timeline with detailed instructions
a list of seed and plant suppliers, as well as other helpful resources
"What are the benefits of a Restoration Prescription?"
Rural and suburban areas can play a key role in restoration, providing crucial habitat for native species and increasing habitat connectivity, allowing native species to move through the landscape. In the Palouse, where much of the landscape is dominated by agriculture, rural and suburban areas have the potential to harbor substantial amounts of native Palouse Prairie habitat.
Fostering quality prairie on your land has many benefits, including:
Minimizing the need for watering, mowing, and other maintenance
Preventing erosion
Improving water quality
Strengthening resilience to natural disasters
Increasing game for hunting
Enhancing pollination services for crops
Supporting native pest control agents
Improving visual appeal with wildflowers that bloom throughout the growing season

Restoring native plant communities supports pollinator abundance and diversity, including bumblebees like the one shown here.
"What's the process for getting a Restoration Prescription?"
After you submit a Restoration Prescription contact form, we’ll set up a consultation with you. One of our representatives will meet with you to ask questions and assess your site so that we can tailor a prescription to fit you and your land well. If you decide to proceed with a Restoration Prescription, we require a flat rate $60 deposit which will be used toward the cost of your prescription. We will then create a custom Restoration Prescription for you to follow. The rest of your payment is required upon receiving your Restoration Prescription. You take it from there!
"What kind of work will I need to do for restoration?"
The process strongly depends on what on where you're starting from, as well as your site’s specific conditions. For larger areas, we break the work into different stages, starting with one smaller section at a time. In general, steps to restoration include (1) site preparation, which often includes work like soil amelioration and invasive weed removal, (2) seeding and planting, (3) monitoring and invasive weed maintenance, and (4) seed and plant supplementation. This can be a lot of work, so we recommend roping your friends and family into it if possible.
A summer view of some of our native wildflowers (lupine and balsamroot), with a vast landscape of fields in the distance. Native species like these help prevent soil erosion, minimize water use, and attract beneficial pollinators and biocontrol agents.
"How long will restoration take?"
In general, it takes about two to four years for prairie restoration to become well established, but the process can be longer if you're restoring different areas in stages, or if you have potential hurdles such as heavily polluted or compacted soil. This timeline can also vary depending on whether you choose to take the slower but cheaper route (starting everything from seed, versus planting more seedlings), whether you have help with the labor, and yearly variation in weather patterns.
"Can I still hire Phoenix's team for some of the work?"
Yes, our team is available to contract for one or multiple aspects of the work, depending on your budget and our availability for that season. For example, some landowners may want help with just the invasive control. For the time being, we are unable to do any parts of the work that require heavy machinery. Costs will depend on the type of work and the size of the area to be worked on. To get a quote, please mention that you're interested in contracting our services at your consultation, or you can email us at palouse@phoenixconservancy.org at any time.

Our goal is to restore as much Palouse Prairie habitat as possible, while also supporting local communities. Mature Palouse Prairie is beautifully diverse and supports thousands of wildlife species that provide beneficial ecosystem services and bring joy to your landscape.
"How much does a Restoration Prescription cost?"
A restoration prescription can cost anywhere from $120 - $400, depending on the size and complexity of the land you'd like to restore. If you decide to proceed with this option after your consultation, we require a $60 deposit up front, which is used towards your prescription cost. (So, for example, if your prescription cost $200, you would pay $60 up front and then $140 upon receiving your prescription.)
"I don't live in the Palouse Prairie. Can I still get a Restoration Prescription?"
The Phoenix Conservancy specializes in restoring open prairie and prairie-forest edges, meaning that we have species that thrive in full sun and others that thrive in partial shade. As long as the area in question isn’t under dense tree cover and has some open canopy, we can tailor a restoration prescription for your space. You also must live within our service range, which is within a three-hour radius of our office in Pullman, Washington.

A native Cinquefoil growing at one of our Palouse Prairie restoration sites.
"How do I sign up?"
Please fill out the inquiry form below to get in touch with us and schedule a free consultation. Please include some details about the area that you would like to restore, a brief description of its land use history, and your goals (e.g., minimize water use and support bird diversity). We look forward to talking with you soon!

Our goal is to replicate wild Palouse Prairie (above) within communities throughout the region.
Interested in a Restoration Prescription?
Please tell us about the area that you would like to restore, including its general location, size, land use history, and other key features. Please also tell us what your main goals are (e.g., minimize water or weeding, increase bird diversity).
We'll get in touch shortly to set up a free consultation!
*This program is only active in the Palouse region of southeastern Washington and northern Idaho*